LANGUAGE "She heard me talking to my language and she got interest to talk to me" Throughout my first year on mission, I have been finding it difficult to find people to teach by myself, I preferred receiving referrals from members and they are the one to introduce me to those people I have to share the restored gospel, the work has been working with me in that aspect and many of the people who were converted at that time are the fruit of the members referrals, as I have received a call of transfer to a different place, things changed people were difficult to approach in fact I was the one fearing to approach them, after observing for a while, I noticed that things will not work for me if I will continue like this meaning staying without my ability to talk to people, here is what came to my mind as I was pondering about this matter. I said to myself Elder Lono, you can't share this wonderful message except you find someone to te...