
Affichage des articles du 2020

Once upon my mission

Elder Appiah, my second companion on mission from Kumasi, Ghana. Elder Lono, this is few weeks after the MTC and this was taken at Okrika just infront of the Okrika Chapel while i was learning how to ride. Here is my first Companion. Elder Kamara, a lovely man from Sierra Leone. This was taken at Igbiri-Ama by Sister Miebaka. A good friend of us. Elder Lono at Andoni, beau gari with fresh soup. The experience in Andoni is beyond this food. Elder Appiah wasthe photo shooter
One of my greatest joy on mission is to receive a phone call after travelling for a long-distance, tired from Ogoni back to Port Harcourt and then receiving a phone call from my parents informing me of their new assignment as full-time missionaries like me and that Dad will be presiding the Congo Mbuji-Mayi mission, wow I was tired but the news gave me strength. I know indeed not by my power neither of my parents that we will be successful in this mission through Jesus Christ help. And these are they that King Benjamin said "how beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of those that are publishing Good tidings of peace" Elder Lono(who served in Nigeria Port Harcourt Mission